Monday, September 29, 2008

It's fall again!

We have just made it a year now in State College and boy has time flown! Mike hopes to go through fewer rakes this fall season and I hope to have Olivia by the 25th of November! We can't wait! Mike is busy doing research and even taking a few classes and I am working full time downtown. Our offices are on the so close we can have lunch together most days and Olivia's day care is only 2 blocks away so we will get to see her lots as well! Life has been busy and fun as we prepare for her arrival. We loved the week visit home, although, it seemed too short! We loved being able to see family and friends. We are already looking forward to the coming Christmas break! Until then, we have tried to stay in touch, and done a horrible job with that! So, here I am trying to at least blogg a few updates:)